Mission Statement
Mathematical teaching at Hilltop begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS — Nursery and Reception) and follows the guidance and requirements of the EYFS statutory framework. Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy activities are available throughout the week for the children to explore both inside and out as part of continuous provision. Our teachers also deliver adult-led focused sessions using concrete/pictorial activities differentiated to the child.
In Key stages 1 and 2, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work, supplemented with resources from Maths No Problem, Classroom secrets, NCTEM and NRICH. Our lessons have a concrete, pictorial, then abstract approach and pupils are encouraged to talk about and explain their reasoning and ideas with talking partners. Staff ask open-ended questions to challenge pupils and encourage them to use the correct mathematical language. All children have access to a range of manipulatives (objects which children can manipulate to help them understand maths concepts) including Numicon, Diennes, Cuisenaire rods, number lines and 100 squares.
The teaching sequences are set out in our Calculations Policy which is included below:
Problem solving and reasoning are an integral part of all blocks of work and all children are encouraged to reason and explain their mathematical thinking. Higher attainers, who grasp concepts quickly, are challenged through rich reasoning and more demanding problem-solving activities. Some children are given additional support and may work on an intervention for a short period of time.
All pupils have access to Times Table Rock Stars both in school and at home.
Termly White Rose tests are used to help identify any specific areas of weakness and this information is fed into future teaching sequences.
Find out more about the national curriculum for Mathematics in key stages 1 and 2