Religious Education

Provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is good. Most pupils make strong progress in religious education (RE)” — OFSTED, December 2018.

Religious Education or RE allows children to gain a depth of understanding and insight into the diversity of religions and beliefs in the world around them.  The aims of Religious Education at Hilltop Primary are:

  • To ensure the children develop a broad understanding of different faiths and to promote their moral, spiritual and cultural development
  • To encourage children to have respect and empathy for other people’s different needs, views, faiths, beliefs and cultures
  • To allow the children to develop their own sense of identity and belonging.

RE is taught weekly and is structured around The Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2014-19 including the Humanist supplement 2017.

RE Mission Statement

To find out more about what we teach during our RE lessons, please view this Word document:

Teaching RE IN EYFS